Vegetable Brush

Vegetable Brush natural fibers
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Price: $7.99
Product ID : A4104
Manufacturer: Keller



Natural beechwood with one part very stiff Union fiber and the other part with strong fiber. Very good grip - ideal for potatoes, carrots etc. 5 inches. Imprint: Gemuesebuerste

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Reviewed by litlfletch
litlfletch bought "Vegetable Brush" on our website
02/06/2018 - 05:35:14 PM
Great on Most Veggies!
I have had this for almost two years, and it has held up very well! Works best on hard, root vegetables (like carrots and potatoes). If you press too hard, it will score softer veggies like zucchini and cucumbers, but that's not usually a problem unless you need the skins for presentation's sake. I especially like that the fibers are firm enough that they don't flick dirt and water everywhere while scrubbing. I've had other brushes that do that, and it creates a mess; not so with this brush! A great veggie brush!

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