Newspaper articles about Nessentials

Experience Sarasota: Nessentials

Things you need...

May 17, 2013
Posted By: Aimee Sicora

Brush- noun
tool with bristles attached to handle.

A brush is a brush is brush, right? Well that’s what I thought until I stepped foot into Nessentials on Pineapple Ave. I can only describe this store as totally unique, there's literally nothing else like it in Sarasota. I asked Nadja Moeller the owner and operator of Nessentials how she got into this business of brushes. I found out that it was not a family tradition or a life-long passion but it was an essential, hence the name Nessentials.

“I needed a real broom”

I have to admit I was a tiny bit confused… “What makes a broom real I asked?

“Horse hair” she replied. “synthetic fiber brushes just spread the dust and sand around they don’t pick it up.”

I spent the next hour with Nadja at Nessentials finding out more about her interesting store.

All the brushes in the store are made in Germany, which is where Nadja is from, she told me that everyone in Germany has a real brush. The price points of the brushes vary but I thought the prices were very reasonable for the quality. Yes, you may pay a little more for your broom verses some bix box store, but I would say that it is definitely worth it... Nadja explained how a cheap broom made out of plastic do not last, and with synthetic hair it will not do a good job picking up anything. Paying a few extra dollars for a wooden broom with horse hair will pay off, she assured me.

Your broom will last you many years maybe even a life time depending on how much you sweep” said Nadja. (Well, based on my track record of sweeping I could make a safe bet that I probably wouldn’t shorten a broom's life too much, but I bet my husband would...) Nessentials carries more than just brooms. Actually, pretty much any brush imaginable, I’m pretty sure that you can find it here... Pet brushes, hair brushes, baby brushes, massage brushes, clothes brushes, vegetable brushes, toilet brushes, computer brushes, shaving brushes, paint brushes… just to name few. Nessentials has quite the inventory the customers love their products.

"We have many repeat customers and have word of mouth referrals from all over the world. Our customers in Sarasota are extremely loyal, often bringing friends and family members into the store."

All the brushes are natural and made of varyingt materials depending of their intended use. There are brushes made from plant fibers, bronze, agave and palm leafs. Others are made from Yak, goat, horse, boar and badger hairs to name a few. The handles are crafted from beach wood, olive wood, pale wood and thermal wood. All the brushes are high quality, hand-made and built to last.

Nadja has specialty brushes such as the body ionic brush, which is good for circulation, leveling energy flow and treating dry skin. Hairbrushes with wooden pins work as a head massage and are especially good for people with dry scalps. Hairbrushes made from boar’s hair prevent ripping and breaking of your hair, the bristles are very flexible. Shaving sets have brushes made from badger’s hair, this hair has rounded tips so it will not irritate the skin.

Nadja is extremely knowledgeable on her products and is very helpful!

As well as specialty brushes Nessentials carries: manicure and pedicure clippers and nippers, tweezers and hair scissors. “They are very sharp and light, they are made in Solingen, Germany which is world renowned for the very best stainless steel quality” said Nadja.

Over time Nadja has added some trinkets and gifts to her store and has an interesting and unique collection of items including beer steins, artwork and marionette puppets. The beer steins range from functional everyday usage steins to anniversary collectors edition steins. Traditionally, in Germany steins are often used. Nadja told me how people have fresh draft beer at their house when they have little gatherings with friends and families. Sounds like a pretty good idea to me!

Nadja recalls making her own marionettes when she was young and going to marionette shows. The puppets that she carries come from Prague, Italy and Germany. They're large collectible marionettes made with ceramic and wooden features, she also has smaller marionettes for children dressed as princesseses, Harry Potter and even Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow. Marionettes for children are a great idea as they are playful and encourage use of imagination and creativity.

The latest items to grace Nessentials are art works by Toms Drag, a German artist. “The work is colorful and makes you smile” says Nadja. Tom creates animal drag queens adorned with little bits of bling, lots of pattern and bold colors. The pieces are very popular and make excellent conversation starters.

Nessentials carries an interesting array of items, not forgetting the extensive range of high quality bushes, which as Nadja puts it – are essential!


532 S Pineapple Avenue Sarasota, FL

New Store Focuses on Timeless Essentials
By Fred Roberts

What do you do when you move to a new country and find that familiar household items you’ve come to take for granted aren’t readily available? For Nadja Moeller, an expatriate German, the answer is simple. You open a store that makes you feel right at home while at the same time offering local shoppers something unique and unusual: time tested, quality household items that simplify a multitude of everyday tasks. 

"Nessentials" held its grand opening Saturday. The name is short for necessary essentials, says owner Nadja Moeller.  The store, “Nessentials,” 2332 Gulf Gate Drive, opened Saturday to customer reactions that ranged from curious surprise to smiles of recognition at seeing a brush or some other household utensil that was as familiar to an Aunt or Grandmother as an iPod is to a teenager of today. “What’s this?” asked one patron holding up a curved piece of wood with wooden balls at each corner making it look like a child’s toy car. “It’s for back massages,” replied Moeller. Another asked about a long handled brush with a curved end that looked like a shepherds staff. “It’s for cleaning the crack between your refrigerator and the cabinets,” the owner explained.

Indeed, there are brushes of every size and shape at Nessentials, from old standbys like your grandfather’s shaving brush to those designed for more modern applications. Take for example the “PC brush,” perfect for cleaning computer keyboards. There’s even a brush disguised as a hedgehog designed to rest attractively on the front stoop awaiting muddy boots in need of a quick dust-off before entering the home. “In Germany fine brushes are in every store like the Wal-Mart or Home Depot,” said Moeller. “You can’t find them here, though.” But high-quality brushes are just part of the store’s inventory. There are kitchen aids of all shapes and sizes, oils and scented candles that impersonate delicious looking cakes and pastries and look good enough to eat.

The store is a refreshingly low-tech oasis in today’s high tech-world, where simple solutions can be found to age-old matters of managing home and hearth. Ironically, the only items in the store Saturday that didn’t perform as advertised were the high tech electronic cash register and the internet connection for processing credit-card transactions.

There just might be a lesson in that.

Beste Buersten und auch Besen, Handgemachtes so erlesen - Nessentials

[Foto: In Nessentials] Foto: In Nessentials Nessential ein Qualitatsgeschaeft zum stoebern

Die Sonne, das Weite, der entspannte Lebensstil… wie zahlreiche andere Auswanderer-Geschichten, begann auch die Florida-Geschichte von Nadja Moeller aus Bad Homburg mit einem Urlaub 1987 in Sarasota. Dass viele Jahre später daraus eine ganz besondere Unternehmerin-Story entstehen wird, konnte Nadja damals nicht ahnen.

Der Wunsch an Floridas Golfküste zu leben und selbstständig zu arbeiten hat Nadja 2009 nach Sarasota gebracht. Es fehlte nur noch eine gute und vor allem eine originelle Geschäfteidee. Als Nadja eines Tages vergeblich nach einem guten Besen für ihren Haushalt in Florida suchte, wusste sie auf einmal, was hier auf dem Markt noch fehlt.

In der heutigen Zeit der Billig-Herstellung und kurzlebigen China-Waren wollte die Freidenkerin Nadja nicht mitmachen, sondern gegen den Strom schwimmen. Während der Wirtschaftskrise gruendete sie Nessentials, ein Fachgeschäft für nützliche Sachen aber in höchster Qualität. Die Idee fand sehr großen Zuspruch bei den Kunden. Inzwischen führt Nadja neben einem Fachgeschäft in der besten Innenstadtlage von Sarasota einen erfolgreichen online Versandhandel und freut sich uber die grosse Nachfrage.

Die Bürsten aller Art, sind eine Spezialität von Nessentials. Wussten Sie schon, dass es für jede Aufgabe im Haushalt einen passenden „Helfer“ gibt? So erfahren wir von Nadja der netten Eigentümerin, dass zum Beispiel Pferdehaar-Bürsten am besten für die Bodenpflege und zum Entfernen von Spinnenweben geeignet sind. Der Staubwedel hingegen aus Ziegenhaar hergestellt, zieht den Staub nahezu magisch an, da dieser statisch aufgeladen ist. Die besten Hand- und Badebürsten werden aus Borsten, von Schweinen- oder Wildschweinen hergestellt.

Ganz neu auf dem Markt sind die Kupferdrahtbürsten, erzählte uns Nadja. Diese eignen sich ideal zur Kleidung- und-Möbelpflege und entfernen sogar die sonst so hartnäckigen Tierhaare. Aber auch für eine trockene Köpermassage eigenen sich die Kupferdrahtbürsten ausgezeichnet: die trockene Haut wird abgenommen, die Durchblutung wird angeregt und außerdem unterstützt Kupfer den Energiefluss im Körper.

In ganz USA finden Sie kein anderes Fachgeschäft, das eine gleichartige Auswahl und Vielfältigkeit von Qualitätsbürsten in seinem Sortiment beinhaltet.

Das Fachgeschäft „Nessentials“ bietet seinen Kunden aber viel mehr, als kleine Haushaltshelfer an. Was einem Menschen Freude bereitet und ein Lächeln auf sein Gesicht zaubert ist auch nützlich, so Nadja. Und dies bestätigen zahlreiche Geschenkartikel in den gut sortierten Regalen. Und alles in bester Qualität und keine China-Ware, versteht sich.

Die handbemalten Charakter - Marionetten begrüßen die Geschäftsbesucher, die Bierkruege, die das Herz jeden Sammlers hochschlagen lassen und die lebensfrohen und bunten Toms Drag Figuren, die beim betrachten ganz sicher auch Ihnen ein Lächeln auf Ihr Gesicht zaubern werden. Und natürlich nicht zu vergessen sind die vielen feinen Weihnachtsdekorationen, die das Geschäft in ein Bilderbuch verwandeln. Die handgeschnitzten Weihnachtspyramiden in allen Größen, der mundgeblasene Weihnachtsbaumschmuck, zauberhafte Schneekugeln und Musikboxen, echte Seifener Volkskunst Räuchermännchen lassen nicht nur Kinderherzen höher schlagen… Der Besuch von Nessentials in Sarasota ist mit Sicherheit eine Reise wert. Mann kann aber auch mit viel Freude online auf: stöbern. Oder auch die freundliche Nadja auf Facebook besuchen



532 S Pineapple Avenue, Sarasota, FL, 34236 Öffnungszeiten: Dienstag – Samstag 11:00-16:00 Uhr Tel: 941 928 9048